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(Marketing View)

Written by Lead Designer and Architect of the Pulsar Ecosystem @GIFFORDwear

White Paper

Dev Audit
(Coming soon)

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Brief introduction to Pulsar, its purpose, and overarching goals.

Overview of the relationship with TitanX and the PulseChain ecosystem.

In an evolving digital currency landscape, Pulsar emerges as a groundbreaking token designed to complement the TitanX ecosystem and leverage the robust infrastructure of PulseChain.

Pulsar embodies the convergence of innovation and security, introducing a sustainable tokenomics model that prioritizes long-term value accrual and stability.


incentivization &

Pulsar’s inception is driven by the need to address prevalent issues in the DeFi space, such as inflationary pressures and the lack of incentivization mechanisms that reward long-term holders. With its Perma-Bull tokenomic nature and unique relationship with TitanX, Pulsar sets out to provide a new paradigm for value generation and retention in the cryptocurrency world.

The token’s utility is intricately tied to the TitanX ecosystem, where it serves as a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives and the potential of collaborative financial ecosystems. By enabling users to mint Pulsar through the burning of TitanX, the token not only honors its roots but also contributes to the controlled circulation supply of its progenitor token, fostering a symbiotic environment that benefits stakeholders across both platforms.

Leveraging the advanced capabilities of PulseChain, Pulsar benefits from fast, low-cost transactions and a scalable network that can accommodate the growing demands of the DeFi community. The integration with PulseChain is more than technical; it’s a strategic alliance that aligns with the broader vision of interoperability and seamless user experience.

The goal of Pulsar is twofold:

to empower users with a token that appreciates in value through a methodical buy and burn strategy, and to establish a precedent for sustainable token models in the DeFi space. By introducing innovative solutions to longstanding challenges, Pulsar aspires to become a beacon of trust and lasting relevance within the PulseChain ecosystem and beyond.


Rationale behind Pulsar's creation.

Key challenges in the DeFi space that Pulsar aims to address.

Pulsar:  Bridging Value Across Blockchains
The Pulsar Pathway emerges in the DeFi horizon as a transformative token with a mission to extend the TitanX ecosystem’s reach into the burgeoning PulseChain platform.

Pulsar embodies a strategic initiative to capitalize on the low-cost, high-speed, and bullish environment of PulseChain, offering a fresh avenue for growth and value appreciation.

Pulsar’s inception is driven by four pivotal goals:

1) Value Migration to PulseChain:

Pulsar facilitates the transfer of TitanX’s intrinsic value to PulseChain, leveraging the latter’s optimized blockchain infrastructure to amplify growth and SCI (Smart Contract Interaction).

2) Perma-Bull Tokenomics:

Through a protocol fee dedicated to the continuous buy and burn (BnB) of Pulsar tokens, Pulsar cultivates a perpetual bullish sentiment. This fee, required for minting Pulsar, ensures that all participants are inherently vested in the token’s longevity and success.

3) TitanX Ecosystem Stewardship:

Pulsar mandates that a portion of TitanX submitted to the protocol is forever removed from circulation, while the remainder fortifies the PulseChain liquidity pools. This liquidity, locked and immutable, serves as a testament to the protocol’s commitment to fostering a robust and sustainable DeFi ecosystem.

4) Foundational Launchpad on PulseChain:

Pulsar’s deployment on PulseChain marks the inception of a broader vision. While Version 1 establishes the foundational presence of Pulsar, future innovations and expansions, which may or may not be developed, are envisioned to be native to PulseChain.

This approach aims to enhance the ecosystem as it accrues value and liquidity. However, it is crucial to note that there should be no expectation of profits resulting from the efforts of others.

Pulsar distinguishes itself by not capping its supply. The initial minting will establish essential liquidity pools, after which Pulsar enters circulation exclusively through the exchange of TitanX and Eth. This process promises a fair distribution mechanism while employing BnB to regulate inflationary pressures effectively.

TitanX and PulseChain

Explanation of TitanX and its role in the Pulsar ecosystem.

Introduction to PulseChain and its relevance to Pulsar.

TitanX stands as a cornerstone in the ever-expanding domain of decentralized finance (DeFi), offering a unique blend of security, reliability, and innovation.

Pulsar is ingeniously designed to intertwine with the mechanics of TitanX, ensuring that the latter’s supply dynamics serve a dual purpose.

a beacon of

security, reliability,

On one hand, TitanX maintains its functionality within its native ecosystem, and on the other, it becomes the gateway for entry into the Pulsar universe. This synergy ensures that as TitanX fuels Pulsar’s liquidity and value, it concurrently amplifies its utility and presence across blockchains.

PulseChain emerges as a beacon of innovation, characterized by its efficient transaction processing and future growth potential. The platform presents an ideal landscape for Pulsar to thrive, where transactions are not only faster and more cost-effective but also aligned with a broader ethos of sustainability and inclusivity.

Within the PulseChain ecosystem, Pulsar is set to become a pivotal player, contributing to the liquidity and overall health of the network. Pulsar’s entry is timed to capitalize on PulseChain’s early growth stages, allowing it to ride the wave of adoption and interest that typically follows new blockchain ventures.


Total supply and distribution model.

Minting process and the 4:1 ratio with TitanX.

Fee structure and its distribution.

Eth/TitanX to Pulsar Arbitrage.

Pulsar and TitanX: Symbiotic Tokenomics
Pulsar’s minting mechanics are deeply intertwined with the virtual mining approach of TitanX, a process where users can mint TitanX by engaging in a system that becomes progressively challenging over time.

The difficulty increases in TitanX mining inherently affects Pulsar’s minting conditions, ensuring that Pulsar’s accessibility is balanced with the evolving dynamics of the TitanX ecosystem.


virtual mining

Minting Pulsar: Increasing Value Over Time

As virtual mining of TitanX becomes more demanding, the cost of minting Pulsar concurrently rises. This escalation is by design, as it mirrors the increasing scarcity and value of TitanX, positioning Pulsar as a token whose rarity and worth are dynamically linked to the parent currency’s mining landscape.

Market Dynamics and Arbitrage

Market conditions may present scenarios where Pulsar’s market value exceeds the combined worth of the TitanX and ETH used in its creation. In such instances, arbitrage opportunities arise, allowing users to mint Pulsar at a relative value, sell at market price, and potentially profit from the difference. This not only provides an incentive for active market participation but also helps in aligning Pulsar’s market value with its intrinsic value, contributing to overall market stability.

The tokenomics of Pulsar are designed to evolve alongside TitanX, reflecting a mutual progression that ensures both tokens advance in value and complexity. The potential for arbitrage plays a crucial role in maintaining equilibrium within the market, allowing for organic price corrections and incentivizing user engagement. As the ecosystem matures, Pulsar’s minting difficulty and value proposition are expected to heighten, embodying a token that is as rare as it is valuable.

Smart Contracts

Description of Pulsar smart contracts.

Functions and features of the Pulsar BnB Contract.

Governance and planned transition to Pulsar BnB Contract V2.

Overview of Pulsar Smart Contract Ecosystem
Pulsar is underpinned by a set of specialized smart contracts, each uniquely tailored to facilitate various aspects of the Pulsar ecosystem.

These contracts are crafted to ensure the highest standards of security, efficiency, and adaptability, forming a solid foundation for the Pulsar network.

specialized smart

security, efficiency, &

Pulsar Minting Contract:

Central to the token generation process, this contract allows for the minting of Pulsar tokens. It is intricately linked with the TitanX ecosystem, enabling users to mint Pulsar in exchange for TitanX and an ETH protocol fee.

Pulsar BnB (Buy and Burn) Contract:

This contract is crucial for regulating Pulsar’s supply. It uses the accumulated ETH fees to purchase Pulsar tokens from the open market and subsequently burns them, creating a deflationary mechanism.

Pulsar Pathway:

Serves as a gateway for transferring Pulsar tokens between Ethereum and PulseChain, ensuring fluidity and accessibility across these blockchain networks.

Pulsar BnB Contract Features

Manual Buy and Burn Trigger:
Unlike automated systems, the buy and burn process in Pulsar’s ecosystem is initiated manually by users. This approach ensures active community engagement in the protocol’s deflationary strategy.

Manual Buy & Burn

active community

Administrative Controls: The contract owner possesses limited but significant capabilities, including:

Setting ETH Allocation:

Determining the proportion of accumulated ETH fees to be used for the buy and burn process.

Time Limits and Frequency:

Establishing the permissible intervals for executing the buy and burn function, thus preventing abuse and ensuring orderly market operations.

Slippage Tolerance:

Defining the acceptable slippage range for market purchases of Pulsar, balancing efficiency and market impact.

Transition and Governance

Initial Phase:
Initially, the governance of Pulsar’s BnB contract is centralized, allowing for swift adjustments to the protocol in response to evolving market dynamics.

swift adjustments to
the protocol

evolving market

Evolution to Decentralized Oversight:

The planned rollout of Pulsar BnB Contract V2 will mark a shift towards a more decentralized governance structure. This phase will incorporate greater community involvement in decision-making, resonating with the decentralized ethos of DeFi.

Characteristics of V2:

The upcoming version will focus on enhanced user engagement, improved controls, and a framework that prioritizes community input while maintaining the integrity and objectives of the Pulsar protocol.

The architecture of Pulsar’s smart contracts is meticulously designed to align with the platform’s long-term vision. Initially governed with a focus on stability and responsiveness, the transition to a more communitycentric governance model embodies Pulsar’s commitment to a participatory and evolving DeFi environment.

Perma-Bull Tokenomics

Detailed process of the buy and burn system.

Incentive model for users participating in the buy and burn process.

Detailed Process of the Buy and Burn System

Accumulation of ETH Fees: The Perma-Bull tokenomics begin with the collection of transaction fees in Ethereum (ETH) from Pulsar minting activities. These fees are earmarked for the BnB contract.


Accumulation of
ETH Fees

Market Purchase of Pulsar Tokens:

The accumulated ETH is periodically utilized to purchase Pulsar tokens from the market. This user-initiated action promotes decentralization and community engagement.

Burning Pulsar Tokens:

Purchased tokens are subsequently burnt by calling the Burnable function embedded in the contract that will destroy the tokens, thereby reducing Pulsar’s circulating supply and enhancing its scarcity.

Transparency in Tokenomics:

Each BnB transaction is transparently recorded on the blockchain, allowing the community to monitor the ongoing fluctuations in Pulsar’s total supply.

Incentive for initiating the Buy and Burn Process to foster community involvement in the Perma-Bull tokenomics, Pulsar incentivizes user participation in the BnB process:

foster community

user participation in
the BnB process

ETH Rewards for Initiating BnB:

Users who trigger the BnB process receive a portion of the accumulated ETH as a reward, motivating community participation and ensuring the decentralized character of the process.

Adaptive Reward Structure:

The percentage of rewards is dynamically adjustable, reflecting current market conditions and the evolving needs of the Pulsar ecosystem.

Pulsar’s Perma-Bull tokenomics, epitomized by its Buy and Burn mechanism, is pivotal in creating a robust, sustainable economic model. This approach effectively balances token supply, fosters community engagement, and underpins the long-term bullish vision for the Pulsar token. By incentivizing user participation in the BnB process, Pulsar ensures a decentralized, community-driven approach to its token economy.

Incentives for Burning

Comprehensive details on user incentives for burning TitanX for Pulsar.

The mechanism for calculating and distributing rewards.

Nurturing User Engagement through Strategic Incentives Pulsar employs a user-centric approach, incentivizing users to actively participate in the ecosystem by burning TitanX to acquire Pulsar.

This section outlines the comprehensive details of these incentives and the underlying mechanisms for reward calculation and distribution.

users to actively participate in the ecosystem

reward calculation and

User Incentives for Burning TitanX for Pulsar:

Users who choose to burn TitanX in exchange for Pulsar are poised to receive several forms of incentives under normal operational conditions of the TitanX protocol. These incentives include a portion of the burn pool’s 28-day rolling Ethereum (ETH) payouts, acting as a compensatory mechanism that essentially returns a portion of the value of their burned TitanX in ETH form.


At the time of writing, the incentivization mechanism of the burn pool is deactivated by the administrators of TitanX. Activation of this mechanism requires setting a specific Boolean statement within the TitanX protocol to true. The activation of burn pool rewards is beyond the control of Pulsar administrators. Users considering burning TitanX for Pulsar should be aware that the receipt of burn pool ETH payouts is contingent upon the activation of this feature by TitanX administrators.

In addition to the ETH payouts from the burn pool, burners are eligible for an additional bonus on their future TitanX mining activities. This Burn Bonus Amplifier can escalate up to 8%, serving as a loyalty incentive for users who actively engage in the burning process. This bonus is designed to reward users for their contribution to the ecosystem’s sustainability.

Participants in the burning process also receive a Proof of Burn record attached to their wallet. This record may qualify them for potential future airdrops from projects aiming to reward the TitanX community for their engagement and support, based on the amount of TitanX they have burned.

Users are advised to stay informed on the status of the TitanX burn pool incentivization mechanism by consulting official TitanX communications or the TitanX administrative team for the latest updates.

Pulsar Pathway

Functionality and mechanics of the PulseChain bridge.

Security measures and decentralized hosting.

The Pulsar Pathway acts as a conduit for the asset transfer between Ethereum and PulseChain.

This section outlines the mechanics, efficiency, and value preservation inherent in the bridging process.

a cornerstone in the
Pulsar ecosystem

asset transfer between
Ethereum & PulseChain

Pulsar and TitanX Integration:

Minting Process and Asset Flow: Utilizing TitanX to mint Pulsar, the protocol maintains a 4:1 TitanX to Pulsar ratio. Upon this action, 50% of the TitanX is burnt, contributing to the deflationary aspect of TitanX. Simultaneously, the remaining 50% is bridged via the Pulsar Pathway to PulseChain.

Liquidity Pool Creation:

On PulseChain, the bridged TitanX (as eTitanX) pairs with a corresponding amount of Pulsar (as ePulsar) to form a liquidity pool. To sustain the 4:1 TitanX to Pulsar ratio, the contract mints Pulsar at a 2:1 ratio to the user-minted Pulsar. This ensures a balanced and proportional representation in the liquidity pool.

Bridging Mechanism and Cost Efficiency:

Seamless Bridging: The Pulsar Pathway facilitates an automated and seamless bridging process. This contract-centric approach allows for efficient asset transfer to PulseChain for public liquidity needs.

PulseChain Bridge: A Gateway to New Opportunities:

Open Access to PulseChain: The PulseChain Bridge is not exclusive to Pulsar users. It serves as an open gateway, allowing anyone to bridge assets and explore the possibilities within the PulseChain network.

The Pulsar Pathway, through its innovative bridging mechanism, exemplifies Pulsar’s commitment to fluid asset movement and integration within blockchain ecosystems. By seamlessly connecting Ethereum and PulseChain, the pathway not only facilitates asset transfer but also preserves their value, reinforcing Pulsar’s dedication to a balanced and equitable blockchain experience.

Liquidity Pools

Strategy for liquidity provision on PulseChain.

Pricing implications of the 4:1 TitanX to Pulsar ratio.

Creating Harmonized Liquidity in the PulseChain Ecosystem: The formation of liquidity pools on PulseChain is a strategic step in the Pulsar ecosystem. It ensures seamless token exchange, contributing to a robust and dynamic market.

This section delves into the strategy for liquidity provision and the pricing implications inherent in the Pulsar model.

liquidity pools on

seamless token

Strategy for Liquidity Provision on PulseChain:

Efficient Use of Bridged Assets: The TitanX and Pulsar tokens, once bridged to PulseChain as eTitanX and ePulsar, respectively, are strategically utilized to create liquidity pools. This not only enhances market depth but also fosters an environment conducive to efficient trading.

Decentralized and Permanent Liquidity Provision:

The liquidity added to the PulseChain pools is decentralized and permanent, reinforcing the integrity and resilience of the market. This approach mitigates the risk of liquidity withdrawal, ensuring stable and continuous market operations.


Initial governance structure and roles of the Genesis & MS wallets.

Plans for decentralized governance.

Navigating the Governance Landscape

In this section, we outline the governance framework of the Pulsar ecosystem, detailing the initial structure and the roles of the Genesis & Multi-Signature (MS) wallets.

governance framework of the Pulsar ecosystem

roles of the Genesis &
Multi-Signature (MS) wallets.

Initial Governance Structure:

The Genesis wallet plays a critical role in the early stages of Pulsar’s development. It oversees the strategic allocation of resources towards research and development, and the technological advancement of the Pulsar platform. The main goal is to nurture the ecosystem’s growth and innovation, prioritizing the long-term success and sustainability of the project over immediate financial returns.

Multi-Signature wallets serve as a security and decision-making safeguard. They require a consensus among appointed signatories for major financial decisions or significant protocol changes. This system ensures balanced decision-making, reflective of diverse perspectives and considerations.

The initial governance approach includes central management of key functions such as adjusting swap caps, slippage settings, and the intervals for the buy and burn process. This centralized control ensures efficient and responsive management during Pulsar’s early operational phase.

User Participation in Governance:

Community Engagement: Even in its early stages, the Pulsar ecosystem encourages community engagement and feedback. User insights and experiences play a crucial role in shaping the project’s direction and priorities.

The governance structure of Pulsar, at its inception, is designed to be robust, yet adaptable. It balances efficient management with community engagement, ensuring that the ecosystem remains secure, dynamic, and aligned with the collective interests of its participants. The emphasis is on building a strong foundation, with the potential for more decentralized governance mechanisms as the project matures.

Security Considerations

Security protocols in place for smart contracts and bridge operations.

Measures to prevent abuse and ensure market stability.

Smart Contract Security:

Core smart contracts within the Pulsar ecosystem are immutable, ensuring stability and security. However, certain adjustable administrative rights are retained to allow flexibility in response to changing market conditions.

While we value transparency, our approach is to keep the source code proprietary. We believe that innovation and uniqueness in code design are crucial, and therefore, we do not subscribe to open source for our core contracts. This decision is aimed at preventing unwarranted replication and maintaining the uniqueness of our ecosystem.

Understanding the critical nature of security in the DeFi space, Pulsar adopts a strategic approach to auditing. Our smart contracts undergo a rigorous internal review process, scrutinized for vulnerabilities and optimized for performance. This internal review is complemented by a specialized external audit conducted by a prominent developer with an in-depth understanding of the TitanX codebase. This individual, known for his meticulous work as an auditor for TitanX, brings a wealth of knowledge and a keen eye for detail to our project.

Bridge Operations Security:

Reliable Infrastructure: The Pulsar Pathway uses the well-established and secure PulseChain bridge.

This bridge has demonstrated its reliability and security over an extended period, making it a trustworthy component of our ecosystem.

Market Stability Measures:

The governance team is equipped to make informed decisions regarding crucial parameters such as swap caps and slippage.

These decisions are always in alignment with market health and the long-term objectives of the Pulsar ecosystem.

The security and stability of the Pulsar ecosystem are paramount. By combining immutability with necessary administrative flexibility, conducting thorough audits, and using trusted infrastructure, we aim to provide a secure platform for our users. As the ecosystem evolves, we remain committed to continuously enhancing and adapting our security measures to maintain a safe and stable environment for all participants.

Despite the meticulous design, rigorous security measures, and comprehensive audits, it’s paramount to acknowledge that engaging with any smart contract inherently carries a degree of risk that cannot be eliminated. - All Rights Reserved